Monday, March 05, 2007

The finches are house-hunting!

Once again, I meant to take down the Christmas wreaths and lights after Valentine’s Day (my tradition). But here it is, early March, and Spring is just around the corner. Jews celebrate Purim - a holiday marked with costumes, celebration and (in some interpretations) licensed drunkenness just this one time of the year. And for Hindus it is Holi - the spring festival rooted in ancient fertility rites, where participants are sprinkled or smeared with brightly colored powders.
And we get house finches! Last year they nested in the wreath by the front door (my hip surgery was my excuse for not removing it sooner) and we proudly watched the hatchlings be fed and ruffle their feathers before they took flight.
And now on a Sunday morning, polishing the Canvass sermon, I am distracted by several finches, male and female, flitting back and forth between the bush and the front of the house. I guess I ought to take down the decorations later today. But do I take it all down - a preventive measure insuring a bird-free front door - or leave the wreath up, just in case?
If there’s any evidence of a new nest, I think the wreath will have to remain until the eggs are laid and any fledglings are gone. There it will hang, a rather forlorn bit of holiday greens sporting wintry pinecones and a jaunty ribbon, hosting spring’s new life.

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