Monday, February 04, 2008

After a really "super" Super Bowl…

Oh those NY Giants - gotta love ‘em! The last minutes of the game were worth the hours spent in front of the TV - wow. I probably could have done without those pastry-wrapped hot-dogs, though!
And now tomorrow is “Super Tuesday”. I still don’t know who I am going to vote for in the Democratic primary race. We face a monumental opportunity - to see either a woman or a person of color elected to this country’s highest office.
And in this we are forced to confront two of our society’s controversial identities. Issues of racism and patriarchy/misogyny lie just beneath the surface of these campaigns - maybe not emanating directly from them but certainly swirling all around (and certain to come from the opposing camps!).
It makes me sad, and it is frustrating, to have to deal with bickering that reduces the campaign to a kind of argument about the hierarchy of oppression [it’s women’s turn - we’re ready to lead; it’s about time a black man led this country; we’ve suffered longer (both sides could claim that one)]. No one wins that argument.
Here we are, in the 21st century, surprised by joy at the possibility and worried if it could really come to fruition. Either has the potential for greatness. Any way you look at it, wouldn’t that be magnificent? Isn’t it about time?

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