Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Between the Lines…

The National Guard Armory where I vote is a specious gymnasium kind of room. The tables and voting cubicles for the different Districts in this Ward surround the perimeter of the room. Usually it’s a calm scene… a few voters wandering in, poll workers chatting with one another. I freely stroll across the room to the table for # 26 (which I never remember from year to year, but I know the spot they occupy and recognize the man standing next to the “booth”).
But this morning… this morning! What a scene. A traffic jam at the narrow entrance to the small parking area. Surrounding streets parked up, and people crossing busy Hamilton Avenue with apparent energy - at 6:40 AM in the morning!
The voting area was filled with people - filled. Lines snaked around, each heading to one of the cubicles. It could have been chaotic, but it seemed to be working just fine. I thought we were going to be there for an hour at least.
The people jamming the room, the folks having to wait in the long lines, were mostly African American and people of color. They were there, as were we all, to have our say, cast our vote in this momentous election.
At our District there was no line. A five minute wait and I was in the “booth”, pressing those little boxes on the touch screen. I hope that the people staffing these other Districts’ booths are going to make the wait and the process as easy as possible for everyone.
And I hope the people all over this country will have patience with this process, hang in there and wait to vote, even when the lines are long and the mood perhaps not as patience and cheerful as this morning. We all have to hang in there with the process.
And if things go the way I hope [and if you could not tell, I am a dyed-in-the-wool “blue state” girl], we will have to be patient again. There will be a process of transition and a process of change that is not going to happen overnight. But it will happen. It may not happen exactly as the campaign speeches promised - but it will come. The turning will be slow, but turn we will.
Yes we can. Si se puede. Yes, we can!

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