Monday, December 01, 2008

Restoring American Values

Back in July, I bought a wooden cutting bard at one of my favorite Hyde Park spots - Medici Bakery (and I recently read in the NY Times, this is one of Obama’s favored spots as well). This is no ordinary cutting board though… it has marked on it these words: “Restore American Values - Competence, Integrity, Intelligence, Peace, Compassion… ELECT OBAMA IN 2008”.
So far we’ve done the last part - Barak Obama is President-elect. And as I listen to the short acceptance speeches his newest team (today, National Security) are making, I feel that the first three of those “values” are already well in the works. If all goes as hoped, the other two should follow.
Some people/pundits have been carping about the choices Obama has made thus far - they do not seem to represent “change”. But change is more than a new nameplate on the door. Change is a fundamental shift in attitude and in actions. I expect these people, accepting these roles in the Obama-Biden Administration, will be taking on very different values and viewpoints from what we have known in the past eight years.
Folks may have ties to the most recent debacle of an administration or roots in the last Democratic presidency… but what they bring to the table may be skills and knowledge that, when properly directly, will bring about the change we need, change we can believe in!
These post-Thanksgiving thoughts lead me to truly believe in the essential Christmas spirit: compassion, hope, love and peace.

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